Search: Engagement Opportunities, 06/20/2024
Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
During the March 2020 election, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ City USD voters approved Measure H, the District’s $750 million bond proposal, to provide safe, environmentally adaptable, modern schools and playfields through an equitable framework. Please refer to the Board Resolution and Bond Project List for more information on Measure H.
7-11 Committee
The ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ City Unified School District’s 7-11 committee advises the Board of Education on the reuse, repurposing and disposition of District properties not needed for school purposes. The SCUSD 7-11 Committee proceedings and its deliberations are open to the public.
Under California law (Education Code sec. 17389), the Committee must have at least seven (7) members and no more than eleven (11) members who represent each of the following: