ࡱ> MOL5@ *bjbj22 'DXX"TTTTTTTh     Lh&xxxxxSSSMOOOOOO$RF JsTSSsTTxx TxTxMM'TTxl p6 M0, . hhTTTT TXSD5L>SSSsshh   hh  BALLOT. MEASURES, ANALYSES, AND ARGUMENTS SACRAMENTO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEASURE E To renovate, replace, acquire and construct school buildings, provide wiring for computers, meet fire/health/safety standards; provide needed heating/air conditioning improvements and construct a high school to alleviate overcrowding, shall the Ƶ City Unified School District issue $195,000,000 in bonds at the lowest interest rates possible and appoint a citizens' oversight committee and an independent auditor to assure that funds are spent only on school and classroom improvements and for no other purposes?" COMPLETE TEXT OF MEASURE E Passage; of Measure E will,. specifically fund the following projects: renovate; replace acquire and construct buildings; upgrade classroom for new technologies; upgrade fire detection, alarm and suppression systems in schools; replace. portable classrooms that are over twenty years old; comply with requirements of mandated Americans with Disabilities Act and Local Fire and Life Safety regulations; install or replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC): systems; perform a lighting retrofit of indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures;: upgrade electrical. power to meet present and future requirements, 'replace 'and redesign roofs where appropriate, upgrade technology wiring in classrooms, renovate interior and exterior finishes (walls, floors, ceilings); build additional restroom facilities; upgrade replacement of or install intercoms/telephone communications systems in classrooms; retrofit doors and .windows to enhance security and energy conservation; abate asbestos and lead in schools; perform structural repairs as required to meet current building codes; and build a high school to alleviate overcrowding. The Board will appoint a citizens' oversight committee and an independent auditor to assure that fundsare spent only on school and classroom improvements and for no other purposes. ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPIONIONS OF THE AUTHORS. s/James E. Sweeney Superintendent Ƶ City Unified School District VOTER'S PAMPHLET The following pages contain ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPIONIONS OF THE AUTHORS. 0014 TAX RATE STATEMENT FOR MEASURE E An election will be held in the Ƶ City Unified School. District (the "District") on October 19, 1999, to authorize the sale of up to $195,000,000 in general obligation bonds of the District to finance the acquisition and improvement of real property for school purposes. If such bonds are authorized and sold, the principal thereof and interest thereon will be payable from proceeds of tax levies made upon the taxable property in the District. The following information is provided in compliance with Sections 94009404 of the Elections Code of the State of California The best estimate of the tax which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the first series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is 4.1 cents per $100 of assessed valuation in fiscal year 200001. The best estimate of the tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the last . series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is 7.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation in fiscal year 200809. 3. The best estimate of the highest tax rate which would be required to be,, levied to fund this bond issue, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is 7.6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation in fiscal year 200506. Attention of all voters is directed to the fact that the foregoing information is based upon projections and estimates only, which are not binding upon the District. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary from those presently estimated, due to variations from these estimates in the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold at any given sale, market interest rates at the time of each bond sale, and actual assessed valuations over the term of repayment of the bonds. The actual dates of sale of said bonds and the amount sold at any given time will be governed by needs of the District and other factors. The actual interest rates at which the bonds will be sold will depend on the bond market at the time of each sale. Actual future assessed valuation will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined in the assessment and the equalization process. 2. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE E There is no argument about three important facts: The Ƶ City Unified School District has turned the corner. Three years ago voters told the District to clean up its act and improve our children's education. A new school board was elected and a new superintendent was hired. The result: "Test scores in the District have improved significantly  in some cases dramatically... in poor neighborhoods as well as affluent ones," wrote the Ƶ Bee this June. The San Francisco Chronicle reported "scores for the ... District rose from the 35th percentile nationally in reading for first graders ... to the 62nd percentile this year." In fact, the City District's test score improvement is triple the state's average improvement. . The majority of our school buildings are over 40 years old. Our schools  many built 20, 30, even 40 years ago - are old and must be repaired. Earlier this year, an exhaustive school facility assessment was completed. We now know the repair needs of each and every school building. The bond money will be spent on school improvements only. The bond language will make it illegal to spend money for any purpose other than repairing our schools. Measure "E" is a nofrills bond package tied to each individual school's needs: air conditioning and heating improvements, safety repairs, electrical upgrades, wiring for computers, and the repair or replacement of portable classrooms snore than 20 years old. It also funds construction of, a modest new high school in the Rosemont area to combat student overcrowding in all the district high schools. Bond funds will be subject to regular audits. A parentbusiness oversight committee will ensure the bond will be administered properly and report its findings regularly to the community. On Tuesday October 19, join us in voting Yes on Measure E for Ƶ's children. s/Barbara Hopkins CoPresident League of Women Voters . of Ƶ s/Dr. Curtis Mitchell, Pastor Antioch Progressive Baptist Church Member: Area Congregations Together s/William Powers Congress of CA Seniors . Legislative Director . s/Carolyn Heim, Ƶ Council PTA President s/Russell J. Hammer President/CEO Ƶ Metro Chamber of Commerce NO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE E WAS FILED .IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE E Prepared by County Counsel construction, renovation and replacement of school buildings, fire and safety, upgrades, asbestos and lead abatement, replacement or upgrade of electrical and classroom communication systems, and meeting mandated fire, safety and, federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. No funds derived from bond sales could be used for district administration sites or any other purposes than those for which the bonds were issued. Measure E provides for appointment of an independent auditor and a citizens' oversight committee; without detailing the manner of selection, composition or character. The actual dates of sale arid the amount of bonds sold would be governed by the by the District. The number of years that the whole or any part of such school district bonds are to run could not exceed the statutory maximum, calculated from the date of the bonds or any series thereof. If Measure E is approved, the tax rates necessary for payment of principal and interest on any bonds sold will be largely dictated by the timing of the bond sales, the amount sold at a given sale, market interest rates at the time of each sale (although in no event greater than the maximum bond net interest rate allowed by law), as well as actual assessed valuation of taxable property in the District over the term of repayment. The issuance and sale of such general obligation bonds would be for the specific purpose. of financing school and classroom improvements as detailed therein, including but not limited to, the construction of a new high school, acquisition, Passage of Measure E requires approval by twothirds of the voters voting thereon. Approval of Measure E would allow the Ƶ City Unified School District to incur bonded indebtedness up to a maximum amount of $195 Million. 1YZeq & ) []n! !h###$~xndZdZdhJdCJOJQJhJdCJOJQJh81CJOJQJ he{(CJ he{(5CJOJQJhe{(CJOJQJhe{(CJOJQJhe{(CJOJQJhe{(CJOJQJhe{(he{(CJOJQJaJhe{(he{(CJaJh<38CJOJQJh@BbCJOJQJh<38CJOJQJhe{(he{(OJQJhe{(OJQJhe{(!01YZeq v"$ (cJ-&#$+D./](^ca$gd@Bb$iKJ-&#$+D./]i^Ka$gd@Bb"$  J-&#$+D./]^ a$gd@Bb$ S-S&#$+Dw./]-a$gde{(gde{( * $3[\]nf$  -Q 59 &#$+D-./]-a$gde{($ &-T&#$+DU./]-a$gde{( C- b&&#$+Dv./]-gdJd$ - &#$+D./]-a$gde{(gde{($-J-&#$+D./]-a$gd@Bb TUkJ!$ & Fd$ !u&#$+Dq ./]a$gde{($ !u&#$+Dq ./]a$gde{($- !u&#$+Dq ./]-a$gde{("$ J*V !u&#$+Dq ./]*^Va$gde{( 3-!X/a&#$+D./]-gde{($ -D &#$+D./]-a$gde{(f$ '-"U&#$+D./]-a$gd81gde{(-u!vh&#$+D./]-gde{($- &#$+Dj./]-a$gd<38&$  &#$+Dj./]^`a$gd<38$-t"g&#$+D./]-a$gde{( ,- !$-< W&#$+D)./]-^<a$gdJd  d W&#$+D)./]dgdJd$- W&#$+D)./]-a$gdJdgde{(!""":"H"f"""""ttX  W&#$+D)./]gdJd   W&#$+D)./]gdJd   W&#$+D)./] gdJd e  W&#$+D)./]gdJd  W&#$+D)./]gdJd$< W&#$+D)./]<a$gdJd """ #4#B#h######gde{($ J-"x&#$+D./]-a$gdJd"$ I;I W&#$+D)./];^Ia$gdJd    W&#$+D)./] gdJd  W&#$+D)./]gdJd $&$'$8%9%A&F&x&~&/'3'U'W''''' ( ( ('())F*G***he{( hJdCJhxzCJOJQJhJdCJOJQJhJdCJOJQJh`CJOJQJhV`CJOJQJ#$%&'))T)snK"$-[~ <&#$+D./]-^`[a$gdJdgde{("$<j0 x&#$+Du./]<^`ja$gdcc"$-Zx0 x&#$+Du./]-^Z`xa$gdcc"$-h0 x&#$+Du./]-^`ha$gdcc"$-[0 x&#$+Du./]-^`[a$gdccT))F*G***************$-&#$+D./]-`a$gdJdgde{($-%\&#$+D./]-a$gdJd$-~ <&#$+D./]-a$gdV`%0:pFza= /!"8#$%<@< Normal_HmH o(sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 8O8 OmniPage #1d8O8 OmniPage #2d$8O8 OmniPage #3dL8O"8 OmniPage #4d8O28 e{( OmniPage #5dL"D01YZeq$3[\]n T U ,-:Hf 4Bh%!!T!!F"G"""""""""""""""0000000000@0@0@0@0@000000000000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000000000000000000000000000000000000@0!000000000!0!000000000000000$* !"#T)* !*8@0(  B S  ?).I#.I,.I.I.Il3.I2.I#.I|`.IT .I.I#.I#.I<`.Iܙ#.I$.I\#.I .I.I\.I/.ID'.I#.I1.I//I\//I\#/I#/I'/Il/ID4/I/I/IT /I<# /I /Il /IS /I/IdT/I/I11<I33>K1 1 < A I I I   ==ffnzBBm"m"x"}"""      "!#'$%&(;@@X=BBZ; @ H O O S S GGmyLLw"|"""""     "!#%&'$(9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState='*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=(*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName9)*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity )('))('))('('))('('))))((('))'()('('" y) / 0 6 qsy 19:<HL )[gT![!]!_!"3333333333333333333333Ze""SCUSD#-h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.#-         _e{(<38\T=UV`Fza@Bbccxz81.6E%Jd`@""H"""@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahoma9Garamond" hʈfˈfˈf5?5?!24d""3QH(?.BALLOTSCUSDSCUSD Oh+'0l   ( 4 @LT\dBALLOTALLSCUSDCUS Normal.dotSCUSD.d3USMicrosoft Word 10.0@0@)@Z:Ҋ@5՜.+,0 hp  SCUSDBA?"A BALLOT Title  !"$%&'()*,-./0123456789:;=>?@ABCEFGHIJKNQ\RTUVWXYZ[Root Entry FhQW@PData #1Table+ WordDocument'DSummaryInformation(<DocumentSummaryInformation8DCompObjjMsoDataStorehQW@hQW@   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q DocumentLibraryFE51ILUXG4KSYQ==2 hQW@hQW@Item  SProperties0OBWMRCZBZQ==2 hQW@hQW@Item  Properties This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. 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