Search: Press Releases, 07/05/2016

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Press release Barbershop Program Participants

Staying sharp: Barbers pledge 300 free haircuts to kids who read to them this summer
Partnership with SCUSD and ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Public Library is aimed at combating summer learning loss

July 5, 2016 (ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ):  To help kids stay sharp this summer, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ barbers are partnering with SCUSD and ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Public Library on a literacy drive that rewards students for reading.

Ten barbershops have agreed to give away 30 free haircuts this summer to students who read a book to a barber. ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Public Library is supplying 300 books for the initiative.